Energy Metabolism and Protein Utilization in Chicken- A Review

  • Kim, Ji-Hyuk (Poultry Science Division, National Institute of Animal Science, RDA)
  • 투고 : 2014.11.04
  • 심사 : 2014.11.28
  • 발행 : 2014.12.31


Evaluation of energy in the diet is very important in animal nutrition because food intake is strongly influenced by the energy content of the diet. This means that the intake of other nutrients, such as amino acids, is affected by their ratio to energy content. Poultry can control their energy intake over a range of energy: protein ratios. Energy: protein ratio also affects the growth and body composition. Therefore we need to know what extent the relationship between energy and dietary protein influences the bird's performance. To predict the energy value of the diet or its chemical constituents, researchers have been working on modelling using the equations of the major biochemical pathways in terms of ATP generation and utilization. The activity of feeding and the metabolism caused by digestion and assimilation of food increase the animal's heat production and it can be measured by calorimetry technique. Theoretically, surplus amino acids which are not needed for protein synthesis stimulate an additional increase in metabolic rate and lead to increased energetic costs of catabolism and excretion. However, it has sometimes been shown that there was no measurable diet-induced thermoregulatory effect when an imbalanced amino acid mixture was fed. All these aspects are discussed in this review.



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