Production and Construction Manual Development for Economical·Lightweight Green-Roof System using Lightweight Vegetative B.A Block

옥상녹화를 위한 저관리·경량형 B.A 경량식생블럭 생산 및 시공 매뉴얼 개발 연구

  • 김진관 (한국국제대학교 실내건축학과) ;
  • 오재훈 (부산대학교 건축공학과 대학원) ;
  • 허영기 (부산대학교 건축공학과) ;
  • 문종욱 (부산대학교 생산기술연구소) ;
  • 안영철 (부산대학교 건축공학과)
  • Received : 2014.09.04
  • Accepted : 2014.11.27
  • Published : 2014.12.30


Korea has been promoting green-roof related industry with a great efforts, which leads many researchers to study and develop technology of economical and lightweight green-roof system. In this study, the industrial waste of 'Bottom Ash' produced inevitably from thermal power generation was researched in order to examine the possibility of using it as material for lightweight vegetative block for an economical and lightweight green-roof system. A production manual of the block containing material selection and delivery, mixing, maintenance; and a construction manual of the system are also proposed. From a study of two test-beds of the system, it was revealed material cost as well as maintenance efforts could be saved. Moreover, the system is believed to be a very environment friendly since the system is utilizing industrial waste. Findings from the study will be a great interest of the industry. This study will also be beneficial for those performing related studies.



Supported by : 국토교통부


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