유아의 기질 및 성격과 식행동 간의 관련성

The Association between Children's Dietary Behavior and Temperament & Character

  • 김남희 (강원대학교 유아교육과) ;
  • 김미현 (한국교통대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Kim, Nam-Hee (Dept. of Early Childhood Education, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Kim, Mi-Hyun (Dept. of Food and Nutrition, Korea National University of Transportation)
  • 투고 : 2014.09.18
  • 심사 : 2014.10.28
  • 발행 : 2014.12.31


The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between dietary behavior and temperament & character in preschool children, and to offer basic data that can be applied for nutrition education and counseling. A total of 211 parents of preschool children aged 3~5 years performed the Korean version of Preschool Temperament and Character Inventory (K-psTCI), a questionnaire based on Cloninger's seven-factor model of personality, along with a questionnaire about the dietary behaviors of their children. K-psTCI represented seven factors such as harm avoidance (HA), novelty seeking (NS), reward dependence (RD), persistence (P), self-directedness (SD), cooperativeness (CO), and self-transcendence (ST). The subjects were divided into either the high rank group or low rank group based on the mean score of each factor. The high rank group of HA showed significantly less physical activity and less appetite than the low rank group of HA. The children in the high rank of NS were more likely to have picky eating and a late night snack. The children in the low rank of SD or CO were more likely to have undesirable dietary behaviors, such as picky eating, too much snacking, and lower appetite than those in the high rank of SD or CO. In conclusion, individual temperament & character in preschool children may be associated with their dietary behavior, and understanding temperament & character in children may be important facts to screen and to develop an effective nutrition education program for children.



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