The Effect of Potassium Cyanate (KCN) on Radiation Treatment of the Colorectal Cancer Cell Line, HCT 116

  • Chang, Jeong Hyun (Department of Clinical Laboratory Science, Daegu Haany University)
  • Received : 2013.06.18
  • Accepted : 2013.06.28
  • Published : 2013.06.29


Radiation is one of the major therapy for the removal of cancer cells. The results of the radiation therapy depend on the radio-resistance of cancer cells. For the effective treatment in these radio-resistant cancers, the use of chemicals that act on cancer cells is known to enhance the cytotoxic effects of radiation therapy. In this study, I investigated the effect of potassium cyanate (KCN) on the irradiated-colorectal cancer cell line, HCT 116 cells. KCN induces the carbamylation of proteins and can change the biological activity of various human cells. To understand the effect of KCN on the radiosensitivity of HCT 116 cells, I examined alteration of the cell cycle, generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), cell viability, apoptosis and intracellular signaling proteins in the irradiated cells with/without KCN treatment. Combination treatment caused significant increase in sub $G_0/G_1$ and ROS generation in HCT 116 cells. KCN inhibited the proliferation and cell viability in irradiated HCT 116 cells. KCN-induced apoptosis of irradiated cells was processed via the activation of caspase 3 and caspase 9. Apoptosis-associated signal proteins, including Bax and Bcl-2 were regulated by irradiation with KCN treatment. Taken together, these results may indicate that KCN enhances the radiosensitivity of radio-resistant cell and then has a synergistic effect on radiation therapy in colorectal cancer.



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