Round Robin with Server Affinity: A VM Load Balancing Algorithm for Cloud Based Infrastructure

  • Mahajan, Komal (Dept. of CSE & ICT, Jaypee University Of Information Technology) ;
  • Makroo, Ansuyia (Dept. of CSE & ICT, Jaypee University Of Information Technology) ;
  • Dahiya, Deepak (Dept. of CSE & ICT, Jaypee University Of Information Technology)
  • Received : 2012.10.23
  • Accepted : 2013.07.23
  • Published : 2013.09.30


Cloud computing is an evolving computing paradigm that has influenced every other entity in the globalized industry, whether it is in the public sector or the private sector. Considering the growing importance of cloud, finding new ways to improve cloud services is an area of concern and research focus. The limitation of the available Virtual Machine Load balancing policies for cloud is that they do not save the state of the previous allocation of a virtual machine to a request from a Userbase and the algorithm requires execution each time a new request for Virtual Machine allocation is received from the Userbase. This problem can be resolved by developing an efficient virtual machine load balancing algorithm for the cloud and by doing a comparative analysis of the proposed algorithm with the existing algorithms.



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