Improving Collision Energy Absorption In High Speed Train By Using Thin Walled Tubes

  • Salimi, Ehsan (Rolling Stock Planned Maintenance Group, Mashhad Urban & Suburban Railway Operation Company) ;
  • Molatefi, Habib (Center of Excellence in Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology) ;
  • Rezvani, MohammadAli (Center of Excellence in Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology) ;
  • Shahsavari, Erfan (School of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran)
  • Published : 2013.09.30


The purpose of this paper is investigating the effect and influence rates of utilizing thin walled energy absorption tubes for improving crashworthiness parameter by increasing energy absorption of the body in high speed railcars. In order to find this, a proper profile of available tubes is chosen and added to the structure of selected high speed train in Iranian railway network (Pardis Trainset) and then examined in the scenario of impact with other moving rolling stock. Because of the specific features of LS-DYNA 3D software at collision analysis, the dynamic simulation has been performed in LS-DYNA 3D. The results of the analysis clearly indicate the improvement of train crashworthiness as the energy absorption of structure increases more than 30 percent in comparison with the original body. This strategy delays and reduces the shock to the structure. The verification of the simulation is by using ECE R66 standard.



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  1. Study on dynamic characteristics of train collision based on Multibody Dynamics vol.128, pp.1755-1315, 2018,