Reconceptualization of Histo-Genetic Principle

역사발생적 원리의 재개념화

  • Received : 2013.09.10
  • Accepted : 2013.11.01
  • Published : 2013.11.30


The article makes a discussion to conceptualize a histo-genetic principle in the real historical view point. The classical histo-genetic principle appeared in 19th century was founded by the recapitulation law suggested by biologist Haeckel, but recently it was shown that the theory on it is no longer true. To establish the alternative rationale, several metaphoric characterizations from the history of mathematics are suggested: among them, problem solving, transition of conceptual knowledge to procedural knowledge, generalization, abstraction, circulation from phenomenon to substance, encapsulation to algebraic representation, change of epistemological view, formation of algorithm, conjecture-proof-refutation, swing between theory and application, and so on.



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