Compilation of Books on Military Arts and Science and Ideology of Military Science in the late Joseon Dynasty

조선(朝鮮) 후기(後期)의 병서(兵書) 편찬(編纂)과 병학(兵學) 사상(思想)

  • Received : 2013.02.02
  • Accepted : 2013.03.02
  • Published : 2013.03.31


In this paper, the writer investigated the thoughts on military art and science with a focus on the typical books on military art and science, which was published in the latter period of Joseon, and the discussion of literati in that time. Joseon had been happy to enjoy the piping times of peace for about 200 years ever since the establishment of the dynasty. However, having had to gone through two major wars, the Joseon Dynasty, revolving around scholarly people, had awakened the limits of military art and science of Joseon. It can be said that the countermeasure against Japanese pirates, which were reflected in the "Jingbirok" (懲毖錄 - Records of the 1592 Japanese Invasion) written by Yu Seong-ryong, and the experiences of war had formed the basis of the thoughts on military art and science in the latter period. Regrettably, there were no suggestions or proposals of preparing countermeasure against Japanese raiders in the books of military art and science in the early period of the Joseon Dynasty. Meanwhile, as the argument about the battle formation in the early period of Joseon, the process of establishing the military science had not gone smoothly in the latter period of Joseon. Right after the Japanese invasion of 1592, "Gihyo-Sinseo" (紀效新書 - New Text of Practical Tactics written by Cheok Gye-gwang) was brought into the country by the army of Ming (明) Dynasty. At first, this was used in the form of its original edition, or of abstract version in the military drill. But, later, it was published under the title of "Byeonghak-jinam" (兵學指南 - Military Training Manual about Action Rules by combat situation). This book, same as in Zhejian (浙江) province in China, had achieved a positive effect on counteracting the Japanese raiders in our country. However, these military tactics were conflicted with "Owi Jinbeop" - Rules of Deployment of the Five Military Commands, which had been handed down ever since the early period of the Joseon Dynasty, and, at the same time, it was pointed out that those tactics would not be able to apply to the situation uniformly, since Korea and China were geographically different. Furthermore, having gone through Manchu Invasion of 1636 (丙子胡亂, Byeongja horan) Joseon had used "Yeonbyeongsilgi" (練兵實記 - the Actual Records of Training Army), which was compiled in China on the basis of the experiences of wars against the nomad, including Mongolia and so on. And, this had become a typical training manual together with "Byeonghak-jinam". King Yeong Jo and King Jeong Jo of the Joseon Dynasty had tried to establish uniformity in military training by publishing the books of military science representing the latter period of Joseon such as "Sokbyeongjangdoseol" (續兵將圖說- Revision of the Illustrated Manual of Military Training and Tactics,) "Byeonghaktong" (兵學通 Book on Military Art and Science,) "Byeonghakjinamyeonui" (兵學指南演義 - Commentary on 'Byeonghak-jinam') and "Muyedobotongji"(武藝圖譜通志 - Comprehensive Illustrated Manual of Martial Arts,) and so on. King Jeong Jo had actively participated in the arguments in those days. So then the arguments that had been continued for about 200 years, ever since King Seon Jo, put to an end. To sum up the distinctive features of military art and science in both former and latter period of the Joseon Dynasty, in the former period of Joseon, the reasoning military science was proceeded with the initiative of civic official based on "Mugyeongchilseo"(武經七書- the Seven Military Classics). However, in the latter period of Joseon, "Gihyo-Sinseo"(紀效新書 - New Text of Practical Tactics written by Cheok Gye-gwang) had served as a momentum, and also comparatively a large numbers of military official had participated in arguments, so then such an occasion had made the military science turn into the Practical Theory. Meanwhile, King Sejo and King Jeong Jo had played a leading role in the process of establishing the theory of military science of Joseon, however, there are something in common that their succession to the throne was not smooth. This is the part that reminds us "War is an extension of politics," the thesis of Clausewitz

이 글은 조선 후기에 편찬된 대표적 병서와 지식인들의 논의를 중심으로 병학사상을 살펴본 것이다. 조선은 개국 이래 200여년의 태평성대를 구가하다가 양대 전란(戰亂)을 거치면서 지식인들을 중심으로 조선 병학의 한계를 각성하였다. 유성룡(柳成龍)의 "징비록(懲毖錄)"에 반영된 왜적(倭賊)에 대한 대비책과 전란의 경험은 후기 병학 사상의 토대가 되었다고 평할 수 있을 것이다. 그러나 안타깝게도 선초의 병서에는 이에 대한 대비책이 별도로 제시된 일이 없었다. 한편 선초의 진법(陣法) 논쟁과 마찬가지로 후기 병학의 정립과정은 순탄하지 못하였다. 임란 직후 명(明)나라 군대를 통해서 척계광의 "기효신서(紀效新書)"와 "연병실기(練兵實紀)"가 유입되었는데, 처음에는 원본 내지는 초록본의 형태로 군사훈련에 활용되다가 후에 "병학지남(兵學指南")"과 "연병지남(練兵指南)"으로서 출간되었다. 이 책들은 중국에서와 마찬가지로 우리나라에서도 왜구와 북방 오랑캐를 대응하는 데 있어서 상당한 효과를 거두었다. 그러나 선초 이래의 오위진법과 상충되기도 하고 중국과 우리나라의 지형이 차이가 있으므로 획일적으로 적용할 수 없다는 지적이 제기되었다. 영조(英朝) 정조(正祖) 때에는 "속병장도설(續兵將圖說)", "병학통(兵學通)", "병학지남연의(兵學指南演義)", "무예도보통지(武藝圖譜通志)" 등 조선 후기의 대표적 병서를 출간함으로써 군사훈련의 통일성을 기하고자 하였다. 정조는 당시 논쟁에 대해 적극적으로 참여하여 해명하였으며, 이로써 선조 때부터 200여년 지속된 논쟁은 종료되었다. 조선 전기와 후기의 병학적 특징을 개괄하자면, 선초에는 "무경칠서(武經七書)"를 바탕으로 문신(文臣)의 주도하에 병학의 윤리화(倫理化)가 진행되었다면, 후기에는 "기효신서"가 계기가 되고 상대적으로 다수의 武臣이 논쟁에 참여하면서 병학의 실학화(實學化)가 진행되었다고 할 수 있다. 한편 조선 병학의 정립 과정에서 주도적 역할을 한 것은 세조(世祖)와 정조(正祖)인데, 양자는 모두 왕위계승 과정이 순조롭지 못했다는 공통점을 지니고 있다. 이것은 클라우제비츠의 "전쟁은 정치 행위의 연속이다"라는 명제가 생각나는 대목이다.



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