Thermoacoustic Analysis Considering Flame Location in a Gas Turbine Combustor

가스터빈 연소기에서 화염의 위치를 고려한 열음향 해석

  • Received : 2013.02.12
  • Accepted : 2013.03.09
  • Published : 2013.03.31


Authors' previous works on thermoacoustic(TA) model development showed good results in predicting combustion instability characteristics in a gas turbine combustor. However, they also suggested there were some limitations in growth rate estimation, which might be related with over-simplification of flame structure. As a first trial for improving the model accuracy, the current paper introduces the modified TA model considering the actual flame location in the combustor. The combustor is divided into the unburned and the burned area before and after the flame location, and then acoustic equations are re-organized. The modified TA model results show a better accuracy in predicting the growth rate of instabilities comparing with the previous results. However, obtained results still overestimate the conditions where the combustor goes unstable. Further researches considering heat release distribution through flames are required.



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