TV 화이트 스페이스 기술정책 및 서비스 동향

  • 발행 : 2013.09.30




  1. Cisco, "Cisco visual networking index: Global mobile data traffic forecast update, 2010-2015", Cisco Visual Networking Index, 2011.
  2. 윤형영, "4G 시대 도래에 따른 주파수 확보 및 관리방향", KT DIGIECO FOCUS, 2011년 12월.
  3. J. Schmidt, "Spectrum bridge", TV White Space Solutions, Jun. 2012.
  5. Executive Office of the President, "Report to the president realizing the full potential of government -Held spectrum to spur economic growth", President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, Jul. 2012.
  6. 이상윤, "영국, 공공주파수 10년 내 500 MHz 민간 개방 추진", Journal of Communications & Radio Spectrum, vol. 41, 2011년 9월.
  7. 정인준 외, "주요국의 무선 광대역 서비스용 주파수 확보 방안에 관한 연구", 정보통신정책연구원, 2011년 12월.
  8. 방송통신위원회, "모바일 광개토 플랜 추진을 위한주파수 정책방향", High-speed Network Workshop, 2012년 1월.
  9. FCC 08-260A1, Second Report and Order and Memorandum Opinion and Order, Nov. 2008.
  10. FCC 10-174, Second Memorandum Opinion and Order, Sep. 2010.
  11. Ofcom, Digital dividend: cognitive access, consultation on license exempting cognitive devices using inter leaved spectrum, Feb. 2009.
  12. Ofcom Consultation, Implementing geo location, Nov. 2010.
  13. M. Nekovee, T. Irnich, and J. Karlsson, "Worldwide trends in regulation of secondary access to white spaces using cognitive radio", IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Aug. 2012.
  15. Spectrum bridge, "White space trial networks: Results and next steps", Super Wi-Fi Summit, Feb. 2011.
  16. A. N. Mody, G. Chouinard, "IEEE 802.22 Wireless Regional Area Networks (WRAN): Removing digital divide and enabling rural broadband access using cognitive radio technology", 2012.
  17. FCC 12-36, Third Memorandum Opinion and Order, Apr. 2012.
  18. Ofcom, Digital dividend: Geolocation for cognitive access_A discussion on using geolocation to enable license-exempt access to the interleaved spectrum, Nov. 2009.
  19. Ofcom, White space roll-out expected by 2014, Computer Weekly, Apr. 2013.
  20. Ofcom, Ofcom reveals next steps towards 'white space' devices, Nov. 2012.
  22. CEPT ECC, ''Complementary report to ECC report 159 further definition of technical and operational requirements for the operation of white space devices in the band 470-790 MHz", ECC Report 185, Jan. 2013.
  23. CEPT ECC, "Technical and operational requirements for the operation of white space devices under geolocation approach", ECC Report 186, Jan. 2013.
  24. 한국방송통신전파진흥원, Spectrum Policy Trend & Insight 제48호, 2013년 2월.
  25. 방송통신위원회, "TV 유휴대역(White Space) 활용 및 서비스 활성화 방안 연구", 방통위 기술보고서, 2011년 12월.
  26. (구) 방송통신위원회, "주파수 분배표 일부개정 (안) 및 무선설비규칙 개정(안) 입안예고", 2012년 9월.
  27. WSdb LLC, Proposal to be Designated TV Band Device Database Manager, Jan. 2010.
  28. Telcordia Technologies, Comments of Telcordia Technologies Proposal Seeking to be Designated as A TV Band Device Database Manager, Jan. 2010.
  29. Spectrum Bridge, "Spectrum bridge response to PN DA-09-2479 proposals for designated TV band database manager", ET Docket No. 04-186, Jan. 2010.
  30. Neustar, Proposal for Designated TV Band Device Database Manager, 4. Jan. 2010.
  31. Key Bridge, Proposal to Administer a TV Band Database, Jan. 2010.
  32. KB Enterprises LLC and LS Telcom, White Spaces Proposal by KB Enterprises LLC and LS Telcom, Jan. 2010.
  33. Google, Proposal by Google Inc. to Provide A TV BAND Device Database Management Solution, Jan. 2010.
  34. Frequency Finder, "In re ET Docket 04-186 DA 09-2479 OET Invites Proposals from Entities Seeking to be Designated TV Band Device Database Managers", Jan. 2010.
  35. Comsearch, Comsearch Proposal to be Designated as A TV Band Device Database Manager, Jan. 2010.
  36. FCC Public Notice, Office of Engineering and Technology to Conduct Workshop for TV Bands Device Database Managers on March 10, DA 11-404, Mar. 2011.
  37. FCC DA 11-2043, Dec. 2011.
  38. FCC DA 12-466, Mar. 2012.
  39. FCC DA 13-1472, Jun. 2013.
  40. FCC DA 13-1401, Jun. 2013.
  42. PAWS Internet-Draft, Protocol to Access Spectrum Database draft-ietf-paws-protocol-06, Dec. 2013.
  43. Spectrum Bridge, "Improving access to high speed broadband", White Spaces Success Stories.
  44. Spectrum Bridge, "TV white spaces powering smart city services", White Spaces Success Stories.
  45. M. Brew, F. Darbari, L. H. Crockett, M. B. Waddell, M. Fitch, S. Weiss, and R. W. Stewart, "UHF white space network for rural smart grid communications", IEEE SmartGridComm 2011, 2011.
  46. Cambridge White Spaces Consortium, Cambridge TV White Spaces Trial A Summary of the Technical Findings, 2012.
  47. T. Parker, "Europe's first TV white space licensee to use Fairspectrum's database", FierceBroadband Wireless, Aug. 2012.
  50. ZDNet, Super Wi-Fi goes commercial in Singapore, Sep. 2012.
  51. 미래창조과학부 보도자료, "TVWS 시범서비스 5개 컨소시엄 선정", 2013년 7월.