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- Nagra, Entsorgungsprogramm 2008 der Entsorgungspflichtigen (in German; Waste management program 2008 on behalf of the waste producers), Nagra Technical Report NTB 08-01, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland (2008)
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- Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate, Transportund Lagerbehalter fur die Zwischenlagerung (in German; Transport and disposal casks for interim storage), Guideline for Swiss Nuclear Installations HSK-B05/d, HSK, Villigen, Switzerland (2008) 1313993144/g05_d.pdf
- Nagra, Vorschlag geologischer Standortgebiete fur das SMA- und das HAA-Lager: Technische Darlegung der Anforderungen, des Vorgehens und der Ergebnisse (in German; Proposals for geological siting regions for the L/ILW and the HLW repository: Technical presentation of requirements, procedure and results), Nagra Technical Report NTB 08-03, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland (2008)
- EKRA, Disposal Concepts for Radioactive Waste - Final Report, 31 January 2000, Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Bern, Switzerland (2000)
- Nagra, Projekt Opalinuston: Synthese der growissenschaften nschaftlichen Untersuchungsergebnisse: Entsor-gungsnachweis fur abgebrannte Brennelemente, verglaste hochaktive sowie langlebige mittelaktive Abfalle (in German; Project Opalinus Clay: Synthesis of the results of the geocientific investigations: Demonstration of disposal feasibility for spent fuel, vitrified high-level waste and long-lived intermediate-level waste), Nagra Technical Report NTB 02-03, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland (2002)
- S. Vomvoris, I. Blechschmidt, T. Vietor and L. Johnson, Nagra's activities in the URLs in Switzerland: Update and outlook. Proceedings of the 13th international high-level radioactive waste management conference (IHLRWMC): April 10-14, 2011, Albuquerque, New Mexico, (2011)
- S. Vomvoris, I. Gaus, J. Rueedi and P. Marschall, Large-scale tests of the behaviour of bentonite-based barriers: FEBEX and GAST, In Proceedings of the 13th International High- Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference (IHLRWM), April 10-14, 2011, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, USA (2011)
- SFOE (Swiss Federal Office of Energy), Sectoral Plan for Deep Geological Repositories - Conceptual Part, Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications/SFOE, Bern, Switzerland (2008)
- S. Vomvoris, P. Zuidema and L. Johnson, Site Selection in Switzerland - The Sectoral Plan and Nagra's Responsibilities, In Proceedings of the 12th International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference (IHLRWM), Sep. 7-11, 2008, Las Vegas, Nevada, American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, USA (2008)
- T. Ernst, M. Fritschi and S. Vomvoris, Stepwise site selection in Switzerland - Sectoral Plan: Status and outlook, In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management (ICEM 2010), Oct. 3-7,Tsukuba, Japan, ASME, Fairfield, USA (2010)
- Web sites of the regional conferences (in German): - Jura Ost ( - Jura Sudfuss ( - North of Lagern ( - Sudranden ( - Wellenberg ( - Zurich Nord-Ost (
- Nagra, Sachplan geologische Tiefenlager Etappe 2: Vorschlage zur Platzierung der Standortareale fur die Oberflachenanlage der geologischen Tiefenlager sowie zu deren Erschliessung (in German: Sectoral Plan for Deep Geological Repositories, Stage 2: Proposals for the siting of the surface facilities for the deep geological repositories, including access infrastructure), Nagra Technical Report NTB 11-01, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland (2011)
- T. Ernst, E. Vomvoris and A. Claudel, Geological disposal and site selection in Switzerland - Accomplishments and outlook, In Proceedings of the 14th International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference (IHLRWM), Apr. 29 - May 2, 2013, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, USA (2013)
- SFOE (Swiss Federal Office of Energy), Newsletter Tiefenlager (Deep repository), 5 (October 2012)
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