Effect of Vitamin E and Zinc Supplementation on Energy Metabolites, Lipid Peroxidation, and Milk Production in Peripartum Sahiwal Cows

  • Chandra, G. (Dairy Cattle Physiology Division, National Dairy Research Institute) ;
  • Aggarwal, A. (Dairy Cattle Physiology Division, National Dairy Research Institute) ;
  • Singh, A.K. (Dairy Cattle Physiology Division, National Dairy Research Institute) ;
  • Kumar, M. (Department of Animal Nutrition, DUVASU) ;
  • Upadhyay, R.C. (Dairy Cattle Physiology Division, National Dairy Research Institute)
  • Received : 2012.12.10
  • Accepted : 2013.02.22
  • Published : 2013.11.01


The study was conducted to evaluate the effect of vitamin E and zinc supplementation on energy metabolites, lipid peroxidation, and milk production in peripartum Sahiwal cows. For this, thirty-two pregnant dry Sahiwal cows were selected at sixty days prepartum and divided into four groups viz control, $T_1$, $T_2$, and $T_3$ of eight each. Group $T_1$ were supplemented with zinc at 60 ppm/d/cow, group $T_2$ were supplemented with vitamin E at 1,000 IU/d/cow and group $T_3$ were supplemented with combination of vitamin E at 1,000 IU/d/cow and zinc at 60 ppm/d/cow during d 60 prepartum to d 90 postpartum. Blood samples were collected on d -60, -45, -30, -15, -7, -3, 0, 3, 7, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, and 120 with respect to day of parturition and analysed for glucose, non esterified fatty acid, and thiobarbituric acid reactive substance. Body condition score was maintained significantly better (p<0.05) in $T_3$ than in the control, $T_1$ and $T_2$ groups. Overall glucose level was higher (p<0.05) in $T_3$ than control, $T_1$, and $T_2$ groups. Levels of nonesterified fatty acid, and thiobarbituric acid reactive substance were lower (p<0.05) in $T_3$ than control, $T_1$, and $T_2$ groups. Milk yield was higher (p<0.05) in $T_3$ than control, $T_1$, and $T_2$ groups. In conclusion, the present study indicated that the supplementation of vitamin E and zinc in peripartum Sahiwal cows enhanced milk production by reducing negative energy balance.



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