Influence of shear deformation of exterior beam-column joints on the quasi-static behavior of RC framed structures

  • Costa, Ricardo J.T. (Department of Civil Engineering, FCTUC - Polo II, University of Coimbra) ;
  • Gomes, Fernando C.T. (Department of Technology, ESTGOH, Oliveira do Hospital) ;
  • Providencia, Paulo M.M.P. (Department of Civil Engineering, FCTUC - Polo II, University of Coimbra) ;
  • Dias, Alfredo M.P.G. (Department of Civil Engineering, FCTUC - Polo II, University of Coimbra)
  • 투고 : 2011.09.03
  • 심사 : 2013.04.20
  • 발행 : 2013.10.25


In the analysis and design of reinforced concrete frames beam-column joints are sometimes assumed as rigid. This simplifying assumption can be unsafe because it is likely to affect the distributions of internal forces and moments, reduce drift and increase the overall load-carrying capacity of the frame. This study is concerned with the relevance of shear deformation of beam-column joints, in particular of exterior ones, on the quasi-static behavior of regular reinforced concrete sway frames. The included parametric studies of a simple sub-frame model reveal that the quasi-static monotonic behavior of unbraced regular reinforced concrete frames is prone to be significantly affected by the deformation of beam-column joints.



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