Reduction of Intestinal Polyp Formation in Min Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet with Aloe Vera Gel Extract

  • Chihara, Takeshi (Fujita Memorial Nanakuri Institute, Fujita Health University) ;
  • Shimpo, Kan (Fujita Memorial Nanakuri Institute, Fujita Health University) ;
  • Beppu, Hidehiko (Fujita Memorial Nanakuri Institute, Fujita Health University) ;
  • Tomatsu, Akiko (Fujita Memorial Nanakuri Institute, Fujita Health University) ;
  • Kaneko, Takaaki (Fujita Memorial Nanakuri Institute, Fujita Health University) ;
  • Tanaka, Miyuki (Functional Food Research Department, Food Science and Technology Institute, Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd.) ;
  • Yamada, Muneo (Functional Food Research Department, Food Science and Technology Institute, Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd.) ;
  • Abe, Fumiaki (Functional Food Research Department, Food Science and Technology Institute, Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd.) ;
  • Sonoda, Shigeru (Fujita Memorial Nanakuri Institute, Fujita Health University)
  • 발행 : 2013.07.30


Aloe vera gel supercritical $CO_2$ extract (AVGE) has been shown to contain five phytosterols, reduce visceral fat accumulation, and influence the metabolism of glucose and lipids in animal model experiments. Recent epidemiologic studies have shown that obesity is an established risk factor for several cancers including colorectal cancer. Therefore, we examined the effects of AVGE on intestinal polyp formation in Apc-deficient Min mice fed a high-fat diet. Male Min mice were divided into normal diet (ND), high fat diet (HFD), low dose AVGE (HFD+LAVGE) and high dose AVGE (HFD+HAVGE) groups. The ND group received AIN-93G diet and the latter 3 groups were given modified high-fat AIN-93G diet (HFD) for 7 weeks. AVGE was suspended in 0.5% carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and administered orally to mice in HFD+LAVGE and HFD+HAVGE groups every day (except on Sunday) for 7 weeks at a dose of 3.75 and 12.5 mg/kg body weight, respectively. ND and HFD groups received 0.5% CMC alone. Between weeks 4 and 7, body weights in the HFD and HFD+LAVGE groups were reduced more than those in the ND group. However, body weights were not reduced in the HFD+HAVGE group. Mice were sacrificed at the end of the experiment and their intestines were scored for polyps. No significant differences were observed in either the incidence and multiplicity of intestinal polyps (${\geq}0.5$ mm in a diameter) among the three groups fed HFD. However, when intestinal polyps were categorized by their size into 0.5-1.4, 1.5-2.4, or ${\geq}2.5$ mm, the incidence and multiplicity of large polyps (${\geq}2.5$ mm) in the intestine in the HFD+HAVGE group were significantly lower than those in the HFD group. We measured plasma lipid (triglycerides and total cholesterol) and adipocytokine [interleukin-6 and high molecular weight (HMW) adiponectin] levels as possible indicators of mechanisms of inhibition. The results showed that HMW adiponectin levels in the HFD group were significantly lower than those in the ND group. However, the levels in the HFD+HAVGE group were significantly higher than those in the HFD group. These results indicate that HAVGE reduced large-sized intestinal polyps and ameliorated reduction in plasma HMW adiponectin levels in Min mice fed HFD.



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