Gene Expression Profiling of Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas

  • Zekri, Abdel-Rahman Nabawy (Virology and Immunology Unit, Cancer Biology Department, Faculty of Medicine National Cancer Institute, Cairo University) ;
  • Hassan, Zeinab Korany (Virology and Immunology Unit, Cancer Biology Department, Faculty of Medicine National Cancer Institute, Cairo University) ;
  • Bahnassy, Abeer Ahmed (Clinical Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine National Cancer Institute, Cairo University) ;
  • Eldahshan, Dina Hassan (Clinical Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine National Cancer Institute, Cairo University) ;
  • El-Rouby, Mahmoud Nour Eldin (Virology and Immunology Unit, Cancer Biology Department, Faculty of Medicine National Cancer Institute, Cairo University) ;
  • Kamel, Mahmoud Mohamed (Clinical Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine National Cancer Institute, Cairo University) ;
  • Hafez, Mohamed Mahmoud (Virology and Immunology Unit, Cancer Biology Department, Faculty of Medicine National Cancer Institute, Cairo University)
  • 발행 : 2013.07.30


Background: Chromosomal translocations are genetic aberrations associated with specific non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) subtypes. This study investigated the differential gene expression profile of Egyptian NHL cases based on a microarray approach. Materials and Methods: The study included tissue samples from 40 NHL patients and 20 normal lymph nodes used as controls. Total RNA was extracted and used for cDNA microarray assays. The quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction was used to identify the aberrantly expressed genes in cancer. Results: Significant associations of 8 up-regulated and 4 down-regulated genes with NHL were observed. Aberrant expression of a new group of genes not reported previously was apparent, including down-regulated NAG14 protein, 3 beta hydroxy-delta 5-c27 steroid oxi-reductase, oxi-glutarate dehydrogenase (lipo-amide), immunoglobulin lambda like polypeptide 3, protein kinase x linked, Hmt1, and caveolin 2 Tetra protein. The up-regulated genes were Rb binding protein 5, DKFZP586J1624 protein, protein kinase inhibitor gamma, zinc finger protein 3, choline ethanolamine phospho-transferase CEPT1, protein phosphatase, and histone deacetylase-3. Conclusions: This study revealed that new differentially expressed genes that may be markers for NHL patients and individuals who are at high risk for cancer development.



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