Season of Diagnosis and Survival of Advanced Lung Cancer Cases - Any Correlation?

  • Oguz, Arzu (Medical Oncology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Baskent University) ;
  • Unal, Dilek (Kayseri Education and Research Hospital, Radiation Oncology Clinic) ;
  • Kurtul, Neslihan (Erciyes University, Radiation Oncology Clinic) ;
  • Aykas, Fatma (Kayseri Education and Research Hospital, Internal Medicine Clinic) ;
  • Mutlu, Hasan (Acibadem Hospital, Medical Oncology Clinic) ;
  • Karagoz, Hatice (Kayseri Education and Research Hospital, Internal Medicine Clinic) ;
  • Cetinkaya, Ali (Kayseri Education and Research Hospital, Internal Medicine Clinic)
  • 발행 : 2013.07.30


Introduction: The influence of season at diagnosis on cancer survival has been an intriguing issue for many years. Most studies have shown a possible correlation in between the seasonality and some cancer type survival. With short expected survival, lung cancer is an arena that still is in need of new prognostic factors and models. We aimed to investigate the effect of season of diagnosis on 3 months, 1 and 2 years survival rates and overall survival of non small cell lung cancer patients. Materials and Methods: The files of non small cell lung cancer patients that were stages IIIB and IV at diagnosis were reviewed retrospectively. According to diagnosis date, the patients were grouped into 4 season groups, autumn, winter, spring and summer. Results: A total of 279 advanced non small cell lung cancer patients' files were reviewed. Median overall survival was 15 months in the entire population. Overall 3 months, 1 and 2 years survival rates were 91.0%, 58.2% and 31.2% respectively. The season of diagnosis was significantly correlated with 3 months survival rates, being diagnosed in spring being associated with better survival. Also the season was significantly correlated with T stage of the disease. For 1 and 2 years survival rates and overall survival, the season of diagnosis was not significantly correlated. There was no correlation detected between season and overall survivals according to histological subtypes of non small cell lung cancer. Conclusion: As a new finding in advanced non small cell lung cancer patients, it can be concluded that being diagnosed in spring can be a favorable prognostic factor for short term survival.



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