벼 생엽의 질소함량 현장분석을 위한 NIRS 검량식 개발 및 검증

NIRS Calibration Equation Development and Validation for Total Nitrogen Contents Field Analysis in Fresh Rice Leaves

  • 투고 : 2013.06.04
  • 심사 : 2013.08.20
  • 발행 : 2013.09.30


연구용 NIR 장비에서 수집된 벼 생엽의 질소 함량 검량식 및 데이터베이스를 현장용 NIR 장비에 검량식을 이설, 검증함으로서 현장 적용 가능성을 평가하기 위해 수행한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 2003년부터 2009년까지 스펙트럼을 수집한 시료 중 선발 된 A 데이터 세트(개체수 454점)의 총 질소범위는 2.041%~4.933%, 2012년 수집된 B 데이터 세트(258점)는 2.180%~3.690%이며 각각의 전체 평균은 3.497%, 2.712%였다. 2. A, B 데이터 세트에서 유도된 검량식 결과 결정계수($R^2$)는 각각 0.845, 0.777,표준오차(SEC)는 0.196, 0.126, SECV는 0.238, 0.150이었다. 3. 연구용 NIR 장비 400 nm~2500 nm 파장에서 얻어진 데이터베이스를 현장용 NIR 장비 1200 nm~2400 nm 파장에 맞게 잘라 이설한 후 2012년 데이터베이스에 업데이트 확장한 후 작성된 검량식 결과 결정계수($R^2$)는 0.880, 표준오차(SEC)는 0.191이었다. 4. 연구용 NIR 장비에 구축된 데이터베이스를 현장용 NIR 장비에 맞춰 데이터베이스를 확장 업데이트하고 검량식을 이설한 결과 연구용 장비와의 표준오차는 0.005%로 거의 동일한 수준의 결과를 얻었다.

This study was evaluated high end research grade Near Infrared Reflectance Spectrophotometer (NIRS) to field grade multiple Near Infrared Reflectance Spectrophotometer (NIRS) for rapid analysis at fresh rice leaf at sight with 238 samples of fresh rice leaf during year 2012, collected Jeollabuk-do for evaluate accuracy and precision between instruments. Firstly collected and build database high end research grade NIRS using with 400 nm ~ 2500 nm during from year 2003 to year 2009, seven years collected fresh rice leaf database then trim and fit to field grade NIRS with 1200 nm ~ 2400 nm then build and create calibration, transfer calibration with special transfer algorithm. The result between instruments was 0.005% differences, rapidly analysis for chemical constituents, Total nitrogen in fresh rice leaf within 5 minutes at sight and the result equivalent with laboratory data. Nevertheless last during more than 8 years collected samples for build calibration was organic samples that make differentiate by local or yearly bases etc. This strongly suggest population evaluation technique needed and constantly update calibration and maintenance calibration to proper handling database accumulation and spread out by knowledgable control laboratory analysis and reflect calibration update such as powerful control center needed for long lasting usage of fresh rice leaf analysis with NIRS at sight. Especially the agriculture products such as rice will continuously changes that made easily find out the changes and update routinely, if not near future NIRS was worthless due to those changes. Many research related NIRS was shortly study not long term study that made not well using NIRS, so the system needed check simple and instantly using with local language supported signal methods global distance (GD) and neighbour distance (ND) algorithm. Finally the multiple popular field grades instruments should be the same results not only between research grade instruments but also between multiple field grade instruments that needed easily transfer calibration and maintenance between instruments via internet networking techniques.



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