A Study for Optimal Evacuation Simulation by Artificial Intelligence Evacuation Guidance Application

인공지능 피난유도설비 적용에 따른 최적 대피시뮬레이션 연구

  • Jang, Jae-Soon (Social Disaster Research Division, National Disaster Management Institute Department Safety Engineering) ;
  • Kong, Il-Chean (Department Safety Engineering, Graduate School, University of Incheon) ;
  • Rie, Dong-Ho (Fire Disaster Prevention Research Center, University of Incheon)
  • 장재순 (국립재난안전연구원 복합재난연구실) ;
  • 공일천 (인천대학교 대학원 안전공학과) ;
  • 이동호 (인천대학교 소방방재연구센터)
  • Received : 2012.10.09
  • Accepted : 2013.06.05
  • Published : 2013.06.30


For safe evacuation in the fire disaster, the evacuees must find the exit and evacuate quickly. Especially, if the evacuees don't know the location of the exit, they have to depend on the evacuation guidance system. Because the more smoke spread, the less visibility is decreasing, it is difficult to find the way to the exit by the naked eye. For theses reasons, the evacuation guidance system is highly important. However, the evacuation guidance system without change of direction has the risk that introduce to the dangerous area. In the evacuation safety assessment scenario by the evacuation simulation has the same problem. Because the evacuee in the simulation evacuate by the shortest route to the exit, the simulation result is same like the evacuation without the evacuation guidance system. In this study, it was used with MAS (Multi Agent System)-based simulation program including the evacuation guidance system to implement the change of evacuation by fire. Using this method, confidence of evacuation safety assessment can be increase.



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