지방 중소도시 근린공원의 축제공간적 활용에 관한 연구

The Study for the Usage of Neighborhood Parks as a Festival Space in Small and Medium Sized Cities

  • 투고 : 2013.05.12
  • 심사 : 2013.09.30
  • 발행 : 2013.09.30


In 2011, neighborhood parks occupied a total area of $280,135,257m^2$ in small and medium sized city areas and this excluded the metropolitan regions. In the rural area, the park area per person($22.64m^2$) is larger than the urban area($9.50m^2$). It is a questionable why there is a higher park ratio in the rural area compared to the cities, where the function of the neighborhood parks is not being utilized well. But, there are already a lot of parks that has been constructed in the rural areas and a lot of money is being spent in maintaining them. Hence, rather than reducing the number of "country parks", it can be suggested that these "country parks" ought to be utilized in a different manner than the parks in the city. In that point of view, this study examined the issues of the country park usage along with the utilization of the local festivals within the parks. Firstly in this context, this study compared the amount of neighborhood parks between small and medium sized cities and metropolitan areas, and analyzed those results. Secondly, daily newspaper articles were collected and categorized to find the usage of the rural park which were then analyzed. Then, the extraction of the essential points in composing the festival space was carried out. Also, the general design guides of making the neighborhood parks were drawn. Last but not least, using these two resources, this study suggested design guidelines for using neighborhood parks as a Festival Space in small and medium sized cities.



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