교외지역에 서식하는 Myotis aurascens의 주간휴식지 선택 및 행동권 크기

Diurnal Roosts Selection and Home Range Size in the Myotis Aurascens (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) Inhabiting a Rural Area

  • 정철운 (국립공원관리공단 종복원기술원) ;
  • 김성철 (국립공원관리공단 종복원기술원) ;
  • 한상훈 (국립생물자원관)
  • Chung, Chul Un (Species Restoration Technology Institute, Korea National Park) ;
  • Kim, Sung Chul (Species Restoration Technology Institute, Korea National Park) ;
  • Han, Sang Hun (National Institute of Biological Resources)
  • 투고 : 2013.07.15
  • 심사 : 2013.09.12
  • 발행 : 2013.09.30


Between July and October 2011, radio-tracking was used to analyze the characteristics of home ranges and day roosts of Myotis aurascens by using 3 individuals (male: 2, female: 1). Bat capturing was conducted at a bridge and a nearby forest in Ulju-gun, Ulsan-si. We attached radio transmitters (0.32 g) to the bats and monitored them by using a radio receiver with a Yagi antenna. Home-range analysis of M. aurascens by using 100% minimum convex polygon (MCP) and 95% MCP showed an average of 106.5 ha and 89.3 ha, respectively, and 50% kernel home range (KHR) showed an average of 8.4 ha. Home range overlap of the 3 bats was observed at the bridge and at nearby water bodies as the core areas, and the size of the home range overlap was 7.3 ha by 100% MCP, 5.9 ha by 95% MCP, and 1.6 ha by 50% KHR. The home range for each bat consisted of the main foraging sites, and the types of foraging sites were similar. M. aurascens-01(M-01) used the bridge and nearby water bodies as the nightly main core areas, M. aurascens-02(M-02) used rice fields and water bodies adjacent to the forest as core areas, and M. aurascens-03(M-03) used water bodies and resident areas as core areas. Although rice fields and resident sites represented the core areas of the home ranges of M-02 and M-03, habitat use was the highest near water bodies as the core area for all the 3 bats. The types of day roosts in this study were a wooden house, canopies of a broad-leaved woodland, and banks of rice fields. The roosts in the wooden house and canopies of the broad-leaved woodland were located within the forest, and the roost in the banks of rice fields was also adjacent to the forest. Our results revealed that the main home range and foraging sites of M. aurascens were located near water bodies as the core area, and forests and places adjacent to the forests were used as day roosts.



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