Analysis on the Perception and Willingness to Purchase of College Students for Strategy for Risk Communication and Social Acceptance of Nanotechnology-Based Foods

나노기술 응용식품에 대한 리스크 커뮤니케이션 전략 및 사회적 수용 방안 모색을 위한 대학생의 인식도 및 구매의도 분석

  • Kim, Hyochung (Dept. of Human Counseling & Welfare, The Institute of Human Environmental Welfare, Inje University) ;
  • Kim, Meera (Dept. of Food Science & Nutrition, Center for Beautiful Aging, Kyungpook National University)
  • 김효정 (인제대학교 생활상담복지학부.인간환경복지연구소) ;
  • 김미라 (경북대학교 식품영양학과.장수생활과학연구소)
  • Received : 2013.06.28
  • Accepted : 2013.08.30
  • Published : 2013.08.31


The purpose of this study was to investigate the perception and willingness to purchase of nanotechnology-based foods to find out the strategy for risk communication and social acceptance. The data were collected from 253 college students in Yeungnam region through a self-administered questionnaire. Frequency, Cronbach's ${\alpha}$, t test, one-way ANOVA, Duncan's multiple range test, Pearson's correlation coefficient analysis, and multiple regression analysis were conducted by SPSS Windows V.20.0. The level of concern about nanotechnology was relatively low, and the level of the perception about necessity for the development of nanotechnology-based foods was average. In addition, the respondents showed somewhat positive thoughts for the development of nanotechnology-based foods with beneficial effect, but they were worried about the risk for it. Percentage of correct answers on knowledge of nanotechnology and nanotechnology-based foods was not high, and the level of willingness to purchase them was average. According to the result of multiple regression analysis, factors affecting the willingness to purchase of nanotechnology-based foods were concern about health, perception about importance of food safety, perception about necessity for the development of nanotechnology-based foods, and perception about the development of nanotechnology-based foods with beneficial effect. On the basis of these results, it is necessary for consumers to offer the exact and reliable information on nanotechnology-based foods.



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