Recommender System based on Product Taxonomy and User's Tendency

상품구조 및 사용자 경향성에 기반한 추천 시스템

  • Received : 2013.04.21
  • Accepted : 2013.06.22
  • Published : 2013.06.30


In this study, a novel and flexible recommender system was developed, based on product taxonomy and usage patterns of users. The proposed system consists of the following four steps : (i) estimation of the product-preference matrix, (ii) construction of the product-preference matrix, (iii) estimation of the popularity and similarity levels for sought-after products, and (iv) recommendation of a products for the user. The product-preference matrix for each user is estimated through a linear combination of clicks, basket placements, and purchase statuses. Then the preference matrix of a particular genre is constructed by computing the ratios of the number of clicks, basket placements, and purchases of a product with respect to the total. The popularity and similarity levels of a user's clicked product are estimated with an entropy index. Based on this information, collaborative and content-based filtering is used to recommend a product to the user. To assess the effectiveness of the proposed approach, an empirical study was conducted by constructing an experimental e-commerce site. Our results clearly showed that the proposed hybrid method is superior to conventional methods.



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