스마트워크 활성화를 위한 버추얼 클러스터(Virtual Cluster)형 협업 플랫폼 개발

Collaboration Platform Development of Virtual Cluster Type for Vitalizing Smart Work

  • 투고 : 2013.01.26
  • 심사 : 2013.03.28
  • 발행 : 2013.06.30


As global competition of enterprises heats up recently, there is a growing the need to introduce business knowledge platform. Many enterprises work with other partners in a variety of situations and collaboration has emerged as new competitiveness of them. Collaboration improves the performance of members, and besides it has an important bearing on innovation, result, and increased productivity of enterprise. Lots of businesses, locally and abroad, extend the environment of collaboration and try to share business contents efficiently. In addition, they look into ways of invigorating collaboration by providing community tools. Corporations and Governments around the world are pushing smart work to respond effectively to this paradigm change. Smart work provides many types of collaboration and raises the productivity. Various infrastructures should be constructed for activating smart work. Most of all, core technology is to be developed. Virtual Cluster is the space of collaboration corresponding to change in business paradigm. In overseas policy of Virtual Cluster has been already enforced as an alternative to geographical cluster. The establishment and development of collaboration platform through Virtual Cluster can contribute to business competitiveness by smart work.



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