A Unified Trust Model for Pervasive Environments - Simulation and Analysis

  • 투고 : 2013.01.10
  • 심사 : 2013.07.05
  • 발행 : 2013.07.31


Ubiquitous interaction in a pervasive environment is the main attribute of smart spaces. Pervasive systems are weaving themselves in our daily life, making it possible to collect user information invisibly, in an unobtrusive manner by known and even unknown parties. Huge number of interactions between users and pervasive devices necessitate a comprehensive trust model which unifies different trust factors like context, recommendation, and history to calculate the trust level of each party precisely. Trusted computing enables effective solutions to verify the trustworthiness of computing platforms. In this paper, we elaborate Unified Trust Model (UTM) which calculates entity's trustworthiness based on history, recommendation, context and platform integrity measurement, and formally use these factors in trustworthiness calculation. We evaluate UTM behaviour by simulating in different scenario experiments using a Trust and Reputation Models Simulator for Wireless Sensor Networks. We show that UTM offers responsive behaviour and can be used effectively in the low interaction environments.



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피인용 문헌

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