New Cultivar 'White Edge' of Leaf Variegated Hosta minor

좀비비추의 잎변이 품종 'White Edge' 육성

  • Kim, Hyun Jin (Department of Plant Conservation Division, Korea National Arboretum of Korea Forest Service) ;
  • Lee, Jong Suk (Department of Plant Conservation Division, Korea National Arboretum of Korea Forest Service) ;
  • Park, Kwang Woo (Department of Plant Conservation Division, Korea National Arboretum of Korea Forest Service) ;
  • Kim, Sik Sung (Department of Plant Conservation Division, Korea National Arboretum of Korea Forest Service)
  • 김현진 (국립수목원 산림자원보존과) ;
  • 이종석 (국립수목원 산림자원보존과) ;
  • 박광우 (국립수목원 산림자원보존과) ;
  • 김성식 (국립수목원 산림자원보존과)
  • Received : 2013.05.23
  • Accepted : 2013.07.23
  • Published : 2013.08.31


A new leaf variegated cultvar 'White Edge' was developed by ethyle methane sulfonate(EMS) treatment on seed of Hosta minor. Among induced leaf variegated plant, some with white color on the edge of the leaves was selected. They were cultivated via vegetative propagation. 'White Edge' was finally selected through the test of characteristics from 2003 to 2005. Assessment of botanical characteristics was conducted for three years. The major characteristic of these cultivar is that they maintain uniformly all year round. 'White Edge'(Grant No.1880) was registered to the Korea Seed and Variety Service(KSVS) for commercialization in 2007. These cultivar are useful as materials for pot or as ground cover plants.

좀비비추 'White Edge'는 돌연변이 유기용 화학물질인 EMS(ethyle methane sulfonate)용액을 이용하여 돌연변이개체를 유기하고 그 중 잎 가장자리에 흰색의 테두리가 들어간 식물체를 선발하여 영양번식한 품종이다. 2003년에서 2005년까지 3차례의 특성조사를 거쳐 최종적으로 'White Edge'를 선발하였다. 3년간 특정검정을 실시한 결과, 'White Edge'는 잎 가장자리에 흰색무늬가 년 중 변함없이 균일하게 발현 되어 2007년에 종자산업법에 따라 국립종자원에 비비추 신품종 'White Edge'로 등록(품종보호 제 1880호)을 하였다. 잎의 무늬가 독특하여 및 화단용 반음지성 지피식물로 이용될 수 있는 매우 유용한 신품종이다.



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