신유학(新儒學), 장횡거(張橫渠)의 기일원론(氣一元論)과 이동원(李東垣)의 내상학설(內傷學說)

Neo-confucianism(新儒學), Zhang Heng-qu(張橫渠)'s Qi-monism(氣一元論) and Li Dong-yuan(李東垣)'s Theory of Internal Injury(內傷學說)

  • 이용범 (상지대학교 한의과대학 원전의사학교실)
  • Lee, Yong-Bum (Dept. of Korean Medical Classics & Medical History, College of Korean Medicine, Sangji University)
  • 투고 : 2013.07.20
  • 심사 : 2013.08.16
  • 발행 : 2013.08.25


Objective : This paper was designed to confirm the relation between Li Dong-yuan(李東垣)'s theory of internal injury(內傷學說) and Neo-confucianism(新儒學)'s academic orientation, particularly Zhang Heung-qu(張橫渠)'s 'Qi-monism(氣一元論)'. Method : Through a comparative literature review, I searched for the commonality between Li Dong-yuan(李東垣)'s theory of internal injury(內傷學說) and Neo-confucianism(新儒學)'s academic orientation, particularly Zhang Heung-qu(張橫渠)'s 'Qi-monism(氣一元論)', and also examined the difference in the meaning of 'Primordial Qi(元氣)' in Qi-monism and that Lee Dong-yuan proposed. Result & Conclusion : The central theme of Neo-confucianism, 'Staying on the Golden Path(允執厥中)', has a commonality with Li Dong-yuan's theory of internal injury that emphasized Primordial Qi, and the concepts of "Great Vacuity as Qi(太虛卽氣)", "Two Properties Inherent in a Single Object(一物兩體)", and "the Nature of Acquired Disposition(氣質之性)" have commonality with the concepts of "The Given from the Vacuity of Natural World(所受於天)", Up & Down Movement(升降運動), and Yin Fire(陰火) of Primordial Qi in Li Dong-yuan's theory of internal injury respectively. However, the concept of Primordial Qi in the Theory of Qi-monism refers to the building blocks of all things in the universe, whereas the concept of Primordial Qi that Li Dong-yuan proposed has no meaning of component of body but driving force that maintains the phenomenon of life.



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