뇌졸중의 위험요인에 대한 환자-대조군 연구

The Case-Control study on the Risk Factors of Stroke

  • 백인경 (대전대학교 둔산한방병원 심계내과학교실) ;
  • 김윤식 (대전대학교 둔산한방병원 심계내과학교실)
  • Baek, In-Kyoung (Dept. of Korean Medicine, Graduate School of Daejeon University) ;
  • Kim, Yoon-Sik (Dept. of Korean Medicine, Graduate School of Daejeon University)
  • 투고 : 2013.05.06
  • 심사 : 2013.07.09
  • 발행 : 2013.08.20


The purpose of this case-control study was to show the relationship between risk factor(Sex, Age, Martial Status, Educational Periods, Family history, Variables of Obesity, Smoking Status, Drinking Status, Past History, Blood Test) and the incidence of stroke. Methods: 788 stroke patients were enrolled as the case group and 450 non-stroke patients as control group from Sep.2006 to Dec.2010. Patients were hospitalized within 30 days after the onset of stroke. Risk factors and warning signs were obtained from personal interview by oriental medicine doctors who used CRF. Results: 1. Age was found to have significant relation with stroke(p<.0001). 2. Martial status(p<.0001, OR=0.44) and educational periods(p<.0001) were both significant risk factor for stroke. 3. As a result of reviewing the influence of family history, it was found to have no significant relation with stroke. Stroke was found to have significant relation with stroke(OR=1.50). 4. Female waist circumference(WC, p<.0001) and female waist-hip circumference ratio(WHR, p<.0001) were risk factors for stroke. On the other hand, male WC and male WHR showed no significant influence on stroke occurrence as an independent risk factor. 5. Both smoking status(p<.0001, current smoker OR=8.95) and drinking status(p<.0001, current drinker OR=2.50, former drinker OR=2.82) were significant risk factors for stroke. 6. As a result of reviewing the influence of past history, transient ischemic attack(p<.0001, OR=8.46), hypertension(p<.0001, OR=4.72), hyperlipidemia(0.0064), diabetes mellitus(p<.0001, OR=3.34), stroke(p<.0001, OR=50.26) were significant risk factors. On the other hand, ischemic heart disease(p=0.2332) was found to have no significant relation with stroke. 7. Increase of WBC, RBC, Platelet, TG, FBS and Cl- level were significant risk factor of stroke, On the other hand, decrease of Hgb, Hct, AST, HDL-chol, LDH, Na+ and K+ level were significant risk factor of stroke. T-chol and ALT level showed no significant influence on stroke occurrence.



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