Transition Analysis of Friction Factor According to Pumping Pressure in Pumping Test Using High Strength Concrete for High-rise Buildings

  • Kwon, Hae-Won (Department of Architectural Engineering, Pusan National University) ;
  • Kim, Young-Su (Department of Architectural Engineering, Pusan National University)
  • Received : 2013.03.05
  • Accepted : 2013.04.01
  • Published : 2013.08.20


In high-rise buildings, high-strength concrete is widely used to reduce the section of structure members under axial load. Also, the price increase of materials is very important item in the high-rise buildings. Especially, concrete used high-pressure pump due to consecutive structural assembly. Unlike slump type of ordinary concrete, high strength concrete has different properties of concrete pumping due to viscosity. However, there have been no Korean studies on the pumping properties of high strength concrete. Therefore, this paper measures the friction factor of high strength concrete with changes in the pressure of concrete pumping. We analyzed the trends of the friction factor based on changes in the pressure of concrete pumping, and then calculated the quantity of concrete deposited for each specified concrete strength and location of placement. After comparing these results with the quantity of concrete deposited measured in field, we evaluated the pumping properties of high strength concrete. Through the tests and the review, we attempt to suggest some basic information for the In-Situ application of high strength concrete.



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