국내 실내디자인분야 관련법의 현황과 제도개선에 관한 연구

A Study on the Current Issues and System Improvements of Interior Design-Related Law in Korea

  • 이창노 (경성대학교 멀티미디어대학 인테리어디자인학과)
  • 투고 : 2012.12.28
  • 심사 : 2013.02.08
  • 발행 : 2013.02.28


As the result of investigating domestic interior design (interior architecture) field-related laws, it was found that interior design (interior architecture) is not recognized as in independent area due to weak classification standards by Korean standard industrial classification and job classification. Korean standard industrial classification is applied as a standard setting limits to applicable targets and industrial fields for laws related to general administration and industrial policy other than various statistic purposes. Also, the standard industrial classifications regarding the industry field determines the laws or applicable tax rates, government support and such according to the classification, and thus is very important. Moreover, interior architecture field is largely different from general architecture due to specialization and distinct characteristics, but due to the comprehensive concept of architecture industry regulations, it is considered the proper assessment for the professionalism is not conducted. Also, interior architecture field has irrational contradictions that is not independent with a clear definition and industry field classification not only in legal system and trade customs. Therefore, The following is proposed as the plan to strengthen the domestic/international competitiveness and system improvements for interior architecture. (1)interior design (interior architecture) must be amended as an industrial classification that can coexist with architecture. (2)interior design (interior architecture) must be amended as a job classification that can coexist with architecture. (3)Among the design tasks of an architect, approval for the design task field of interior architecture field must be legislated. -In architect design standard contract (the existing architecture design task scope and quality standard table) of a structure, among the tasks by request of the owner, (1)interior design tasks shall be legislated. It should be legislated so that interior design (interior architecture) majors can be included as well. (4)The task field of interior design that coexists with design must be amended. (5)National contract law - among contract method by negotiation, specialty item must be vitalized.



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