Studies on the Improvement in Quality of Rice Candy by adding Red Ginseng Marc.

홍삼박 첨가에 의한 엿의 품질향상에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2013.06.14


To improve the quality of rice candy, We studied on manufacturng method and characteristic of rice candy by adding ratio of red ginseng marc. The results obtained were as follows: The boiled rice was added with 15 % malt extract to 1.2 times. After it was saccharified for 12 hours to 70℃, we concentrated it and made black rice candy. Then red ginseng marc was dried at 18% of moisture content and disrupted to 30 mesh below for manufacturing red ginseng marc's powder. Maintained at about 100℃, black rice candy added red ginseng marc's powder. These were mixed evenly and dried. Finally, rice candy adding red ginseng marc was completed. According to the characteristics of rice candy by adding red ginseng marc, the more amounts of red ginseng marc was increased, the less hardness and adhesiveness of rice candy was decreased. Also the brightness of the color difference was decreased. but yellowness and redness was increased. When adding red ginseng marc at 17.5%, it was evaluated to the good score in sensory evaluation.

엿의 품질을 향상하기 위해 엿 제조시 기능성과 식이섬유함량이 풍부한 홍삼박의 첨가량별 엿의 제조방법 및 특성에 대한 연구를 실시한 결과 다음과 같다. 1. 증자쌀에 15% 엿기름 추출물을 증자쌀의 1.2배 첨가하여 70℃에서 12시간 당화시킨 후 농축하여 갱엿을 제조하고, 홍삼박을 수분함량 18% 정도로 건조하여 30mesh 이하로 파쇄한 홍삼박 분을 제조한다. 그리고 갱엿의 온도를 100℃ 정도로 유지하면서 홍삼박분을 넣어 잘 혼합하여 냉각시키면 홍삼박 엿을 얻을 수 있다. 2. 홍삼박 첨가량별 엿의 특성을 보면 홍삼박 첨가량이 증가 할수록 조직감의 Hardness와 Adhesiveness는 감소하였으며, 색차의 명도는 감소하였으나 적색도 및 황색도가 증가 하였다. 그리고 식미는 홍삼박 첨가로 무첨가 시 3.0 점의 "보통"이다 보다 향상되었는데 홍삼박 17.5% 첨가시 맛 4.2, 조직감 4.4 냄새 4.0으로 "좋다" 이상의 평가를 받았다.
