A Study on the Effects of High Developed Structure of Workforce on Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Customer Orientation

컨테이너터미널 운영사 현장인력의 고도화가 직무만족, 조직몰입 및 고객지향성에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2012.12.17
  • Accepted : 2013.01.04
  • Published : 2013.02.28


This study concerns the importance of workforce on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and customer orientation through the change of global logistics industry and the operational condition of Busan port and Busan new port container terminals such as below. The purpose of this study is to firstly, that understand the current facilities and situation of container terminals in Busan port and Busan new port, and its changing environment of port industry. Secondly, provide basic information through the seeking whether the concept of importance of workforce is able to apply into container terminals. Thirdly, establish the theoretical system through the literature consideration on workforce on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and customer orientation in container terminals. Finally, draw useful suggestions for managing container terminals through the structural relationship among variables, which are workforce on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and customer orientation in container terminals.



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