Gender, Cultural Disposition and Peer Conflict Resolution Strategies of Elementary School Children

초등학생의 성별, 문화성향과 친구간 갈등해결전략

  • Received : 2012.12.14
  • Accepted : 2013.01.13
  • Published : 2013.02.28


In this study, characteristics of cultural disposition and peer conflict resolution strategies and the relationship between cultural dispositions and peer conflict resolution strategies of elementary school children were investigated. In order to achieve this research purpose, the following research questions were established. First, what are the characteristics of cultural dispositions that children have? Second, what are the characteristics of conflict resolution strategies that children use? Third, what are the relationships between cultural dispositions and peer conflict resolution strategies? The subjects of this study were 564(283 male and 281 female) 5th and 6th graders. Research instruments used to collect data were INDCOL and Conflict Resolution Strategy Scale. Collected data were analyzed using Descriptives, t-test, Pearson's Correlation Coefficient, Cross-tabs and Two-way ANOVA. As a whole, children strongly showed collectivistic pattern and there were no sex differences in terms of cultural dispositions. The distributions of styles were in the order of HC>VI>VC>HI. The distribution of conflict resolution strategies generally were in the order of integrating and compromising>Avoiding>Dominating>Obliging for total sample and there were significant sex differences in the styles of conflict resolution strategies. This study also found that there were significant correlations between cultural dispositions and conflict resolution strategies. integrating/compromising and dominating style were different according to cultural dispositions but there were no interactive effect of sex and cultural dispositions in conflict resolution strategies. Finally, the implications of this study on theory and practice were discussed and suggestions for further study were made.



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