An Attempt to the Legal Problems on the Approved Books in Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education

수·해양 전문계고 인정도서 제도의 법적 문제와 과제

  • Received : 2012.11.23
  • Accepted : 2012.12.20
  • Published : 2013.02.28


This study is to suggest the legal issues and some question to solve on the approved books in fisheries and marine sciences education. The results of the study are following. First, It discuss the legal meaning on the approved books. The meaning of the approved books means the curriculum books are subject to an approval by the Minister of Education, Science and Technology in order to use term in case where there exist no government-designated books and authorized, or where it is difficult to use term or it is necessary to supplement them. Second It deals with the legal issues on the approved books in fisheries and marine science education. The main issue is in harmony with the regimentation and self-regulation of education. This matter is the legal problems on the power for the standards of the textbooks approval and the rights for the organization of the textbooks. Third, It treats the problems of the approved books in fisheries and marine sciences education. The problems is system of statute and concept of approved books, the rights of nation and local government, standards of approved books, and writing and practical use of approved books. I generalize legal issues on the approved books in fisheries and marine sciences education. Hence, it is necessary to deeply study each subject in the legal aspect of the approved books in fisheries and marine sciences education.



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