Blended Learning 환경에서 문제해결력 강화를 위한 스토리텔링 교수학습 모형 개발

Development of an Storytelling Instructional Model for promoting problem-solving ability in a Blended Learning Environment

  • 투고 : 2012.10.05
  • 심사 : 2012.12.26
  • 발행 : 2013.02.28


The purpose of this study was to develop storytelling Instructional model for promote problem-solving in a Blended learning Environment. To achieve the purpose, the study was performed by dividing into two stages. First, the draft of storytelling Instructional model was proposed by performing a literature survey and a case study. Second, the draft model was applied to the actual work. And the draft was modified and developed to the final model on the basis of the draft model's strength and implemented to 28 students who were the sophomore of child care education department and enrolled the profession class of at S University for 6 weeks. From the implementation result of the model, it was obtained that there was the positive reaction on applying storytelling technique to the beginning stage of learning. Instructional model storytelling consists phases Preparing to perform Storytelling, Building the team and role sharing team, Problem providing, Planning for problem solving, Brend Story structuralization, Cooperative Learning and Problem solving, announcement of the results and evaluating and reflection of general. And then learning supporting components for a facilitator and a learner were prepared for each process. Established in a Blended learning Environment was created based on all-line, how to teach and learning supporting organization. Final Model was suggested as a blueprint for stages actual learning which was consisted of a introductory storytelling part, an main storytelling part and a post storytelling part.



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