In this paper Ubiquitous Medical Electronic Device Export was defined, and it's job analysis. The authors have been defined the job and classified duties and tasks of Ubiquitous Medical Electronic Device Export. To fine what is the most efficient task for Ubiquitous Medical Electronic Device Export, we have been investigated the levels of importance, difficulty, frequency and entry in each task. A DACUM committee is composed of total 12 members, which are one facilitator, 10 panel members, one coordinator & recorder to analyze the job of Ubiquitous Medical Electronic Device Export. Following is the result of this study. First, The process began with the identification of a job title and definition of Ubiquitous Medical Electronic Device Export. Second, a job model of Ubiquitous Medical Electronic Device Export is constructed based on the results of DACUM job analysis. 5 duties and 33 tasks are analyzed. Third, occupational specification was drawn up in consultation with SME council. Fourth, duty specification was drawn up in consultation. 33 tasks that are essential in entry level of occupation are identified. Fifth, task specification was drawn up in consultation. Detail task component which include skill, materials, knowledge, equipment, achievement level and tool was specified in task specification.