경쟁적 문제 해결 과정에서 피드백 순서와 문제 해결 경험 : 온라인 혁신 경진 대회의 실증 분석

Feedback Order and Problem-Solving Experience in Competitive Problem-Solving : An Empirical Analysis of Online Innovation Contests

  • 투고 : 2012.11.25
  • 심사 : 2013.01.31
  • 발행 : 2013.03.31


This study suggests that as receiving feedback is moved back, the effectiveness of problem-solving increases. Utilizing data from innovation contests in which a number of problem solvers compete with each other, we answer questions such as whether the order of receiving first feedback affects problem-solving effectiveness and how problem-solving experience moderates the relationship between the first feedback order and problem-solving effectiveness. Empirical results based on data collected from Kaggle, an online platform for innovation contests, showed that the order that contest participants receive the first feedback increases problem-solving effectiveness. Furthermore, the more prior experience of contest participants accentuates the suggested relationship between the order of receiving the first feedback and problem-solving effectiveness.



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