수학적(數學的) 구조(構造)와 산학계몽(算學啓蒙)

Mathematical Structures and SuanXue QiMeng

  • Hong, Sung Sa (Department of Mathematics, Sogang University) ;
  • Hong, Young Hee (Department of Mathematics, Sookmyung Women's University) ;
  • Lee, Seung On (Department of Mathematics, Chungbuk National University)
  • 투고 : 2013.04.10
  • 심사 : 2013.05.18
  • 발행 : 2013.05.31


주세걸(朱世傑) 산학계몽(算學啓蒙)은 조선 산학의 발전에 가장 중요한 역할을 한 산서이다. 천원술을 비롯한 산학계몽(算學啓蒙)의 내용은 조선 산학의 중요한 연구 대상이 되었다. 이 논문의 목적은 주세걸(朱世傑)이 수학적 구조를 강조하면서 산학계몽(算學啓蒙)을 저술한 것을 보여서 조선 산학자들에게 수학적 구조에 대한 이해를 크게 확장한 것을 드러내는 것이다. 이와 함께 주세걸(朱世傑) 이전의 산서에 나타나는 구조적 접근과 산학계몽(算學啓蒙)의 접근을 비교하여 주세걸(朱世傑)의 접근이 뛰어나고 또 현대에 사용되는 구조적 접근과 일치하는 것을 보인다.

It is well known that SuanXue QiMeng has given the greatest contribution to the development of Chosun mathematics and that the topics and their presentation including TianYuanShu in the book have been one of the most important backbones in the developement. The purpose of this paper is to reveal that Zhu ShiJie emphasized decidedly mathematical structures in his SuanXue QiMeng, which in turn had a great influence to Chosun mathematicians' structural approaches to mathematics. Investigating structural approaches in Chinese mathematics books before SuanXue QiMeng, we conclude that Zhu's attitude to mathematical structures is much more developed than his precedent ones and that his mathematical structures are very close to the present ones.



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  9. Hong Sung Sa, "Theory of Equations in the history of Chosun Mahtematics", Proceeding Book 2, The HPM Satellite Meeting of ICME-12, (2012), 719-731.
  10. Hong Sung Sa, "Finite series in Chosun Dynasty Mathematics(朝鮮算學의 堆垛術)", The Korean Journal for History of Mathematics(한국수학사학회지), 19(2) (2006), 1-24.
  11. Hong Sung Sa, Hong Young Hee, "Chosun Mathematics Book Suan Xue Qi Meng Ju Hae(朝鮮算書算學啓蒙註解)", The Korean Journal for History of Mathematics(한국수학사 학회지), 22(2) (2009), 1-22.
  12. Hong Sung Sa, Hong Young Hee, Kim Chang Il, "Approximate Solutions of Equations in Chosun Mathematics(方程式의 近似解)", The Korean Journal for History of Mathematics( 한국수학사학회지), 25(3) (2012), 1-14.
  13. Hong Sung Sa, Hong Young Hee, Kim Chang Il, "GouGuShu in the 18th century Chosun(18世紀 朝鮮의 句股術)", The Korean Journal for History of Mathematics(한국수학사학회지), 22(2) (2009), 1-12.
  14. Hong Sung Sa, Hong Young Hee, Lee Seung On, "TianYuanShu and Numerical Systems in Eastern Asia(天元術과 記數法)", The Korean Journal for History of Mathematics(한국수학사학회지), 25(4) (2012), 1-10.
  15. Jin Yuzi, Kim Young Wook, "Chosun mathematics in the 17th century and Muk Sa Jib San Beob(17세기 朝鮮 算學과 <<黙思集筭法>>)", The Korean Journal for History of Mathematics( 한국수학사학회지), 22(4) (2009), 15-28.
  16. Kim Young Wook, Hong Sung Sa, Hong Young Hee, "Park Yul's SanHak WonBon(朴繘의 算學原本)", The Korean Journal for History of Mathematics(한국수학사학회지), 18(4) (2005), 1-16.
  17. Lee Chang Koo, Hong Sung Sa, "Chinese Mathematics in Chosun", Journal for History of Mathematics, 26(1) (2013), 1-9.
  18. Yun Hye Soon, "Mathematics educational constructions and structures in SuanXue Qi- Meng and MukSaJibSanBub(算學啓蒙과 黙思集算法의 수학 교육적 구성과 구조)", The Korean Journal for History of Mathematics(한국수학사학회지), 25(4) (2012), 11-19.

피인용 문헌

  1. Division Algorithm in SuanXue QiMeng vol.26, pp.5_6, 2013,
  2. Mathematical Structures of Joseon mathematician Hong JeongHa vol.27, pp.1, 2014,
  3. Zeros of Polynomials in East Asian Mathematics vol.29, pp.6, 2016,