Reflection on an Elementary Teacher's Dilemma in Teaching Magnetic Field

초등학교 자기장 수업에서 한 교사가 경험한 딜레마에 관한 고찰

  • Received : 2013.02.08
  • Accepted : 2013.02.26
  • Published : 2013.02.28


This study described a teacher's dilemma case caused by students' questions and an endeavor to resolve the dilemma. The teacher was faced with the dilemma of whether or not to give answers to the students' questions: Students' meaningful questions should be dealt in class. However, immediate answers for the questions would be difficult for the students to understand. In addition, offering text-based immediate answers would be criticized by a perspective on meaningful science education. Not only ignoring questions but also offering text-based answers could be the reason for a rupture between student and nature. And this made the teacher's dilemma. In this study, We try to address this dilemma and discuss why students should learn text with experience of nature in science class.
