An Effective Environmental Assessment for the Simple Statement of the Sea Area Utilization Consultation System

간이해역이용협의 유형분석 및 효율적 환경평가방안

  • Lee, Dae-In (Marine Environmental Impact Assessment Center, National Fisheries Research & Development Institute) ;
  • Eom, Ki-Hyuk (Marine Environmental Impact Assessment Center, National Fisheries Research & Development Institute) ;
  • Kim, Gui-Young (Marine Environmental Impact Assessment Center, National Fisheries Research & Development Institute)
  • 이대인 (국립수산과학원 해역이용영향평가센터) ;
  • 엄기혁 (국립수산과학원 해역이용영향평가센터) ;
  • 김귀영 (국립수산과학원 해역이용영향평가센터)
  • Received : 2013.03.28
  • Accepted : 2013.05.22
  • Published : 2013.06.30


This paper diagnosed the assessment problems and development types of the simple statement of the Sea Area Utilization Consultation System. and suggested the key assessment items for system improvement. The major types of Public Water occupation and use, and distribution characteristic of regional and coastal were analyzed by evaluate 529 review items during 2010-2012. The artificial structure installation including harbor and fishing port facilities in the South and West coast, and seawater supply and drainage for land-based aquaculture and power plant were dominated. The checklists considering each types of occupation and use in Public Water were suggested. In addition, policy proposals for system improvement were suggested.



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