Production and Characterization of β-Glucan Type Oligomer Produced with Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Capsosiphon fulvescens

효소 가수분해를 통한 매생이 유래 β-Glucan 형태의 Oligomer 생산 및 분석

  • Kim, Hyun-Woo (Department of Chemical & Biochemical Engineering, Chosun University) ;
  • Lee, Jung-Heon (Department of Chemical & Biochemical Engineering, Chosun University)
  • 김현우 (조선대학교 생명화학공학과) ;
  • 이중헌 (조선대학교 생명화학공학과)
  • Received : 2013.03.26
  • Accepted : 2013.04.30
  • Published : 2013.06.27


${\beta}$-Glucan type oligomers which have angiotensin I converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity were isolated and characterized from Capsosiphon fulvescens. After C. fulvescens was hydrolysis with Alcalase at $50^{\circ}C$, supernatant was harvested and separated with ultrafiltration membrane (MWCO 2 kDa). Oligomers which were less than 2 kDa of molecular weight were harvested for characterization. The nutrient composition of Alcalase hydrolysate was 89.9% carbohydrate, 4.2% protein and 5.9% sulfate. After ultrafiltration, the nutrient composition of oligomers was changed to 99.88% carbohydrate, 0.07% protein and 0.05% sulfate. The carbohydrate composition of oligomer was glucose (97.2%) and mannose (1.5%). The ACE inhibitory activities of Alcalase hydrolysate and oligomer were 72.1% and 82%, respectively. The molecular weight of oligomer was about 1 kDa. The oligomer was analyzed with FT-IR, $^1H$-NMR and methylation. The oligomers were ${\beta}$-1,3-glucans with ${\beta}$-(1,3)-linked glucose units.



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