Older Women Breast Cancer Survivors: Decision Making, Sources of Information and Wellness Activities in Malaysia

  • Mohamed, Nor Aini (Cancer Resource and Education Center, Universiti Putra Malaysia) ;
  • Muhamad, Mazanah (Cancer Resource and Education Center, Universiti Putra Malaysia)
  • 발행 : 2013.03.30


The purpose of this study mas to profile older breast cancer survivors in Malaysia. In a survey study, a custom made questionnaire was administered to 69 breast cancer patients and survivors between 60 and 84 years of age in Peninsular Malaysia. The main ethnic group recorded was Chinese, followed by Malay and Indian. The majority of women were married (87%) and had children (84.1%). Just over half (53.6%) had primary and secondary education, whereas 24.7% had higher education. Fifty five percent of the study participants made their own decision on treatment, 60.8% exercised at least 3 times in a week, and 56.6% sought information from specialists. Our study suggests that older breast cancer survivors are aware of the importance of exercise in their daily lives and make attempts to be cancer free (e.g. doing exercise, recreational activity and have good relationships with friends and family).



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