원전 배관의 반복 측정 데이터에 대한 신뢰도 분석 방법

Reliability Analysis Method for Repeated UT Measurement Data in Nuclear Power Plants

  • 투고 : 2012.04.16
  • 심사 : 2013.06.27
  • 발행 : 2013.06.15


Safety is a major concern in Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs). Piping systems in NPPs are very complex and composed of many components such as tees, elbows, expanders and straight pipes. The high pressure and high temperature water flows inside piping components. As high speed water flows inside piping, the pipe wall thinning occurs in various reasons such as FAC (Flow Accelerated Corrosion), LDIE (Liquid Droplet Impingement Erosion) and Flashing. To inspect the wall thinning phenomenon and protect the piping from damages, piping components are checked by UT measurement in every overhaul. During every overhaul, approximately 200~300 components (40,000~60,000 UT data) are examined in NPPs. There are some methods from EPRI for evaluating wear rate of components. However, only few studies have been conducted to find out the raw data reliability for the wear rate evaluation. Securing the reliable raw data is the key factor for a reasonable evaluation. This paper suggests the reliability analysis method for the repeatedly measured data for wear rate evaluation.



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  2. J. Horowitz, Recommendation for Controlling Cavitation, Flashing, Liquid Droplet Impingement, and Solid Particle Erosion in Nuclear Power Plant Piping Systems, pp. 2-1-3-5, EPRI 1011231 (2004).
  3. EPRI, Computer-Based Training Module: Erosion In Piping Systems (2006).
  4. D. Munson and J. Horowitz, Recommendation for the Effective Flow-Accelerated Corrosion Program(NSAC-202L-R3), pp. 4-6-4-7, EPRI 1011838 (2006).
  5. H. Yun and K-M. Hwang, Corros. Sci. Tech., 11, 129 (2012).