Effect of Phellinus baumii -Biotransformed Soybean Powder on Lipid Metabolism in Rats

  • Kim, Dae Ik (Daegu Technopark, Oriental Medicine Industry Support Center) ;
  • Kim, Kil Soo (College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Kang, Ji Hyuk (Department of Biomedical Laboratory Science, Kyungwoon University) ;
  • Kim, Hye Jeong (Department of Biomedical Laboratory Science, Kyungwoon University)
  • 투고 : 2013.03.11
  • 심사 : 2013.06.03
  • 발행 : 2013.06.30


In this study, we evaluated the hypolipidemic and antioxidative effects of biotransformed soybean powder (BTS; Phellinus baumii-fermented soybean) on lipid metabolism in rats. Sprague-Dawley (SD) male rats were divided into basal diet group (BA), high fat diet group (HF), high fat diet containing 10% BTS group (10 BTS), and high fat diet containing 20% BTS group (20 BTS). Changes in the content of various isoflavones, including daidzein and genistein, within the soybean after fermentation to BTS were investigated. The levels of daidzein and genistein were $149.28{\mu}g/g$ and $364.31{\mu}g/g$, respectively. After six weeks experimental period, Food efficiency ratio in the 10 and 20 BTS group was significantly lower than the HF group (P<0.05). Total serum levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and atherogenic index ratio in the 10 or 20 BTS group were significantly lower than the HF group. The levels of alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase and thiobarbituric acid reactive substance were significantly lower in the groups that received 10% and 20% BTS than the HF. The activities of SOD and CAT were significantly higher in the 10 and 20 BTS group than the HF group. The activity of XO in the 10 and 20 BTS group was significantly lower than in the HF group by 20% and 23%, respectively. In conclusion, these data suggest that BTS is an effective agent in improving lipid metabolism and antioxidant enzyme system.



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