This study has been performed for 150 days from February 1 - June 31, 2012 aiming at analyzing biologically hazardous factors in order to develop HACCP system for the vinegared pickle radishes. A process chart was prepared as shown on Fig. 1 by referring to manufacturing process of manufacturer of general vinegared pickle radishes regarding process of raw agricultural products of vinegared pickle radishes, used water, warehousing of additives and packing material, storage, careful selection, washing, peeling off, cutting, sorting out, stuffing (filling), internal packing, metal detection, external packing, storage and consignment (delivery). As a result of measuring Coliform group, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp., Bacillus cereus, Listeria Monocytogenes, E. coli O157:H7, Clostridium perfringens, Yeast and Mold before and after washing raw radishes, Bacillus cereus was $5.00{\times}10$ CFU/g before washing but it was not detected after washing and Yeast and Mold was $3.80{\times}10^2$ CFU/g before washing but it was reduced to 10 CFU/g after washing and other pathogenic bacteria was not detected. As a result of testing microorganism variation depending on pH (2-5) of seasoning fluid (condiment), pH 3-4 was determined as pH of seasoning fluid as all the bacteria was not detected in pH3-4. As a result of testing air-borne bacteria (number of general bacteria, colon bacillus, fungus) depending on each workplace, number of microorganism of internal packing room, seasoning fluid processing room, washing room and storage room was detected to be 10 CFU/Plate, 2 CFU/Plate, 60 CFU/Plate and 20 CFU/Plate, respectively. As a result of testing palm condition of workers, as number of general bacteria and colon bacillus was represented to be high as 346 $CFU/Cm^2$ and 23 $CFU/Cm^2$, respectively, an education and training for individual sanitation control was considered to be required. As a result of inspecting surface pollution level of manufacturing facility and devices, colon bacillus was not detected in all the specimen but general bacteria was most dominantly detected in PP Packing machine and Siuping machine (PE Bulk) as $4.2{\times}10^3CFU/Cm^2$, $2.6{\times}10^3CFU/Cm^2$, respectively. As a result of analyzing above hazardous factors, processing process of seasoning fluid where pathogenic bacteria may be prevented, reduced or removed is required to be controlled by CCP-B (Biological) and threshold level (critical control point) was set at pH 3-4. Therefore, it is considered that thorough HACCP control plan including control criteria (point) of seasoning fluid processing process, countermeasures in case of its deviation, its verification method, education/training and record control would be required.
본 연구는 식초절임 무의 HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point)시스템 구축을 위하여 생물학적 위해요소분석을 위한 목적으로 2012년 2월 1일~6월 31일까지 약 150일 동안 수행하였다. 일반적인 식초절임 무 제조업체의 제조공정을 참고로 하여 공정도를 작성하였으며, 식초절임 무의 원료 농산물(무), 용수, 첨가물과 포장재료에 입고, 보관, 정선, 세척, 표피제거, 절단, 선별, 충진, 내포장, 금속검출, 외포장, 보관 및 출하공정에 대하여 작성하였다. 원료 무의 세척 전, 세척 후의 Coliform group, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp., Bacillus cereus, Listeria Monocytogenes, E. coli O157:H7, Clostridium perfringens, Yeast 와 Mold를 측정한 결과 Bacillus cereus는 세척 전 $5.00{\times}10$ CFU/g이었으나, 세척 후 검출되지 않았으며, Yeast 와 Mold 는 세척 전 $3.80{\times}10^2$ CFU/g, 세척 후 10 CFU/g로 감소되었으며 나머지 병원성균은 검출되지 않았다. 조미액의 pH(2~5)별 미생물의 변화를 시험한 결과 모든 균이 검출되지 않은 pH 3~4를 조미액의 pH로 결정하였다. 작업장별 공중낙하균 (일반세균수, 대장균, 진균수) 시험결과 내포장실, 조미액가공실, 세척실, 보관실의 미생물수는 10 CFU/Plate, 2 CFU/Plate, 60 CFU/Plate 그리고 20 CFU/Plate 가 검출되었다. 종사자 손바닥 시험결과 일반세균수 346 $CFU/Cm^2$, 대장균군 23 $CFU/Cm^2$로 높게 나타나 개인위생관리에 대한 교육 및 훈련이 요구 되었다. 제조설비 및 기구의 표면오염도를 검사한 결과 모든 시료에서 대장균군은 검출되지 않았고, 일반세균은 PP Packing machin과 Siuping machine (PE Bulk)에서 가장 많은 $4.2{\times}10^3CFU/Cm^2$, $2.6{\times}10^3CFU/Cm^2$ 검출되었다. 위의 위해분석 결과 병원성미생물을 예방, 감소 또는 제거할 수 있는 조미액 가공 공정이 CCP-B (Biological)로 관리되어야 하고, 한계기준은 pH 3~4로 결정하였다. 따라서 전통한과생산에의 HACCP 모델 적용을 위한 미생물학적 위해도 평가에서와 같이 조미액 가공 공정의 관리기준 및 이탈시 조치방법, 검증방법, 교육 훈련과 기록관리 등 철저한 HACCP 관리계획이 필요할 것으로 생각된다.