도시 소하천에서 유속, 비표면적에 따른 사상형 부착조류의 Chlorophyll-a 변화

Variation of Filamentous Periphyton Chlorophyll-a in accordance with Water Velocity and Specific Surface Area of Media in Small Urban Stream

  • 안창혁 (한국건설기술연구원 환경연구실) ;
  • 주진철 (한국건설기술연구원 환경연구실) ;
  • 이새로미 (한국건설기술연구원 환경연구실) ;
  • 오주현 (한국건설기술연구원 환경연구실) ;
  • 안호상 (한국건설기술연구원 환경연구실) ;
  • 송호면 (한국건설기술연구원 환경연구실)
  • Ahn, Chang Hyuk (Environment Research Division, Korea Institute of Construction Technology) ;
  • Joo, Jin Chul (Environment Research Division, Korea Institute of Construction Technology) ;
  • Lee, Saeromi (Environment Research Division, Korea Institute of Construction Technology) ;
  • Oh, Ju Hyun (Environment Research Division, Korea Institute of Construction Technology) ;
  • Ahn, Hosang (Environment Research Division, Korea Institute of Construction Technology) ;
  • Song, Ho Myeon (Environment Research Division, Korea Institute of Construction Technology)
  • 발행 : 2013.07.30


The feasibility of water supply as in-stream flow for Mangwall stream was analyzed in terms of water quality and cultivation periphyton using two different types of water resources (e.g., surface water and bank filtration from Han River basin) and three different types of media (e.g., tile, concrete and pebble). The concentrations of organic and inorganic contaminants from the bank filtration were lower than those from surface water by 17.5 - 55.0%. Using water samples collected from Mangwall stream, surface water, and bank filtration, chlorophyll-a, phaeopigment, and growth rate of periphyton were investigated. During 30 day incubation for each water sample, it was observed that filamentous cyanobacteria, Oscillatoriaceae, accounted for 98%, and water velocity of 5 cm/s was optimum for the in situ filamentous cyanobacteria growth. Also, it was deducted for water velocity and chl-a to have an inverse correlation. Meanwhile, the greater the specific surface area of media, the higher the concentration of chl-a. From these results, both water velocity and specific surface area of media should be considered as an combined parameter to deter the growth of filamentous cyanobacteria.



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