A Study on Evaluation and Prioritization Process of Wastewater Reuse Alternative in Watershed Level

유역차원의 하수처리수 재이용 대안평가와 우선순위 결정과정에 관한 연구

  • Chung, Eun-Sung (School of Civil Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology) ;
  • Jun, Sang-Mook (School of Civil Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology) ;
  • Lee, Jin Hee (Korea Environment Institute) ;
  • Ahn, Jong Ho (Korea Environment Institute)
  • 정은성 (서울과학기술대학교 건설시스템디자인공학과) ;
  • 전상묵 (서울과학기술대학교 건설시스템디자인공학과) ;
  • 이진희 (한국환경정책.평가연구원) ;
  • 안종호 (한국환경정책.평가연구원)
  • Published : 2013.03.30


This study aims to show the feasibility of wastewater reuse through hydrological analysis and propose a framework for planning using multi-criteria decision making technique. Ten alternatives of wastewater reuse (BOD: 3.0 mg/L & 4.7 mg/L) and two references in the urban watershed were considered and analyzed by using Hydrological Simulation Program in Fortran (HSPF). Though wastewater reuse has a positive effect on water quantity, it may degrade the water quality due to the high discharge concentration. This study showed that wastewater reuse can be a great alternative for the rehabilitation of distorted water cycle, if the quality is improved up to the natural streamflow and the quantity is increased up to the instreamflow requirement. In addition, to determine the project priority, three criteria were compared: 1) impacts on water quantity and water quality, respectively, 2) consideration of present hydrologic vulnerabilities on water quantity and quality and not, and 3) social and economic considerations and not. From the performance values to all criteria, the specific ranking can be derived and the feasibility of each wastewater reuse project can be checked with the comparison of the existing facilities. As a result, DJ and DR were derived to become effective in any evaluation conditions while SS and WG were improper alternatives if various criteria were considered. The decision making for project prioritization must be careful with the consideration of various impacts of wastewater reuse because the evaluation of wastewater reuse alternative showed very different priorities for each criteria.



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