낙안읍성 전통민가의 배치 및 외부공간구성에 관한 연구

Building Layout and Exterior Space of Folk Housing in Nak-An Village

  • 김시예 (전남대학교 일반대학원 건축공학과) ;
  • 천득염 (전남대학교 건축학부) ;
  • 유우상 (전남대학교 건축학부)
  • 발행 : 2013.02.25


There have been numerous researches on Nak-An village in Jeollanamdo, one of the most representative traditional castle village in Korea. Most of them have dealt with general and physical architectural scale and features separately. Therefore this study aims to understand the compositional characteristics of building layout and exterior space and the relations between street system and dwelling unit of folk houses in Nak-An village. The study examined houses of ordinary people in Nak-An village constructed before the village was not affected by foreign influences. 36 folk houses in Nak-An built from nineteenth century to early twentieth century and believed to have few physical changes from the original floor plans and architectural forms were the subjects to be analyzed. The most popular types in building layout are "Open L"and "Open U". The most typical orientation of main building is Southwest. The favorable entry into the dwelling lot is from the side. The street system in the village consists of main streets of South-North, resulting in dwelling lots with North-South axis most general. This site condition forces the entry into the lot from North main street and the side access to the main building. From these findings, the building layout and the entry into the dwelling lot of folk houses in Nak-An are strongly related with street system and conditions of dwelling lot.



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