Agricultural Methods for Toxicity Alleviation in Metal Contaminated Soils: A Review

  • Arunakumara, Kkiu (Department of Bio-Environmental Chemistry, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Walpola, Buddhi Charana (Department of Bio-Environmental Chemistry, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Yoon, Min-Ho (Department of Bio-Environmental Chemistry, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Chungnam National University)
  • 투고 : 2013.02.08
  • 심사 : 2013.03.28
  • 발행 : 2013.04.30


Due to the fact that possible risk associated with soil-crop-food chain transfer, metal contamination in croplands has become a major topic of wide concern. Accumulation of toxic metals in edible parts of crops grown in contaminated soils has been reported from number of crops including rice, soybean, wheat, maize, and vegetables. Therefore, in order to ensure food safety, measures are needed to be taken in mitigating metal pollution and subsequent uptake by crop plants. Present paper critically reviewed some of the cost effective remediation techniques used in minimizing metal uptake by crops grown in contaminated soils. Liming with different materials such as limestone ($CaCO_3$), burnt lime (CaO), slaked lime [$Ca(OH)_2$], dolomite [$CaMg(CO_3)_2$], and slag ($CaSiO_3$) has been widely used because they could elevate soil pH rendering metals less-bioavailable for plant uptake. Zn fertilization, use of organic amendments, crop rotation and water management are among the other techniques successfully employed in reducing metal uptake by crop plants. However, irrespectively the mitigating measure used, heterogeneous accumulation of metals in different crop species is often reported. The inconsistency might be attributed to the genetic makeup of the crops for selective uptake, their morphological characteristics, position of edible parts on the plants in respect of their distance from roots, crop management practices, the season and to the soil characteristics. However, a sound conclusion in this regard can only be made when more scientific evidence is available on case-specific researches, in particular from long-term field trials which included risks and benefits analysis also for various remediation practices.



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