Competency Development in Urban Local Bodies for Implementing Public Private Partnership Projects in India

  • Devkar, Ganesh A. (Adani Institute of Infrastructure Management) ;
  • Kalidindi, Satyanarayana N. (Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras)
  • 발행 : 2013.06.01


Weak competencies in urban local bodies (ULBs) for implementing public private partnership (PPP) projects has been recognized as a major hurdle in uptake of PPP model in India. In this context, a questionnaire survey was conducted to evaluate perception of urban PPP experts and ULB representatives on three aspects related to competency development, including, critical competencies for implementing urban PPP projects, approaches for competency development in ULBs and constraints faced by ULBs in development of competencies. The five critical competencies identified are project identification, project conceptualization, transaction design, PPP process management and contract management. The approach of training programs for municipal staff and elected representatives, and capacity building oriented technical assistance for implementing urban PPP projects have been preferred by survey respondents for competency development. The frequent transfer of municipal decision makers and low motivation among municipal staff have been identified as the most significant constraints for development of competencies.



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