Provider Variation in Diagnosing Complications of Upper Respiratory Infection in Korean Children

소아 급성상기도감염 합병증 진단의 공급자간 편차

  • Choi, Hyug-Yong (Dept. of Research and Development, Hamsoa Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.) ;
  • Park, Jung-Hoo (Dept. of Research and Development, Hamsoa Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.) ;
  • Yoo, Do-Young (Dept. of Research and Development, Hamsoa Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.) ;
  • Lim, Myeon-Gil (Dept. of Future strategy, Hamsoa Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.) ;
  • Kim, Min-Ah (Dept. of Research and Development, Hamsoa Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.) ;
  • Kim, Nam-Gil (Dept. of Research and Development, Hamsoa Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.) ;
  • Cho, Hyun-Joo (Dept. of Research and Development, Hamsoa Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.)
  • 최혁용 (주식회사 함소아제약 연구개발본부) ;
  • 박정후 (주식회사 함소아제약 연구개발본부) ;
  • 유도영 (주식회사 함소아제약 연구개발본부) ;
  • 임명길 (주식회사 함소아제약 미래전략실) ;
  • 김민아 (주식회사 함소아제약 연구개발본부) ;
  • 김남길 (주식회사 함소아제약 연구개발본부) ;
  • 조현주 (주식회사 함소아제약 연구개발본부)
  • Received : 2013.03.27
  • Accepted : 2013.04.26
  • Published : 2013.04.30


Objectives : This study aimed to assess the differences in treatment behavior by reviewing data of a medical institution that studies treatment behavior in URI and assessing the treatment efficacy in Korea. Methods : We analyzed the behavior of medical customers and providers of upper respiratory infection medications using the NPS published by the Health Insurance Review Assessment Service. We created an operational definition for complications, and confirmed the difference in complication distribution between medical specialties. We also performed a multivariate analysis using a mixed model to elucidate the factors influencing the occurrence of complications. Results : The outcomes of analyzing factors to influence the difference in practice patterns of the diagnosing URI between the physicians are as follows; (1) Analysis of antibiotics prescriptions rate showed significant difference from medical departments (pediatrics; 49.7%, internal medicine; 54.2%, otorhinolaryngology; 69.6%, family medicine; 61.6%, general surgery; 57.5%, p<0.001). Analysis of steroid prescriptions rate showed significant difference from medical departments (pediatrics; 3.8%, internal medicine; 4.5%, otorhinolaryngology; 5.4%, family medicine; 3.0%, general surgery; 11.2%, p<0.001). (2) In patients who visited medical institutes with the common cold, the complication distribution differed according to the medical specialty, which suggests that specific complications arise depending on the particular medical specialty (p<0.001). (3) Moreover, through multivariate analysis, we found that the complication rate is higher in clinics than in hospitals, depending on the institute's size. (p<0.001; odds ratio of 4.67 in clinics than in hospitals, 95% CI 2.66-8.21) Conclusions : We observe a deviation between the behavior of patients diagnosed with URI and medication providers. This may arise from the interaction between providers and consumers, wherein the complications are associated with the choice of outpatient department and the prevention of cutting incentives. These findings suggest that the health policies should be improved to prevent inappropriate medical practice in the treatment of pediatric URI.



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